7 things you don't realize about addiction (until you quit)
Sobriety is unpleasant. That's something that I've been struggling with, especially as I've been taking all kinds of medication, and especially since I keep having to get doctors to increase my pain medications so I can do more things.
I want to be more active. I am happier when I do more things, but the more I do, the more pain I am in.
Two weeks ago, I tried snowboarding. It was awesomely fun. I screwed up my back. badly. i have been in pain ever since. i am only just able to do push ups again, and i still can't do as many as before.
the weather also hasn't been helping. hovering around zero and humid is the worst thing for me. it's awful. pain and swelling, and not much else.
By Executive Order: Trans People Don't Exist!
1 month ago