So, I'm trying to find something positive in the thought that we might have to sell the house. I know it's a possibilty, and it's killing me.
I grew up in an appartment, always the poor kid, and dreamed of someday owning a house. Now I own one, and we put all kinds of effort into it, and, as much as I don't like the suburbs, I love my house. I'm having a hard time coping with having to let it go.
So, if we're going to have to sell it, then I'm going to need something great, to get over it. So, I'm trying to plan for running away to the west coast since NoLose is going to be out there in the spring. I've always wanted to see the giant redwoods, the coast of BC, San Francisco, of course...
It's something to start planning. It would be a nice driving trip. There's some great scenery, and it would be so much fun.
I do love Spouse One. Planning the road trip, I can't imagine anyone else I'd rather go with. Interesting. As difficult as things have been this year, as hard as things have been, I guess this is the one for me.
Hm. Lots to think about.
By Executive Order: Trans People Don't Exist!
1 month ago
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