From this 12 months that is ending I do not have a thousand photographs proving that good things have happened to me.
I do not have many photographs from this year at all.
I still carry my camera with me at all times, but there has not been a tendency to reach for it when things happen. Instead, there has been a conscious thought that I am living my life, rather than documenting it.
I have had fantastically beautiful drives along the north road at sunrise, sunset, and under the full moon.
I have seen moose, deer, bear, wild cat (lynx or bobcat with cubs), rabbits, hawks, bats, eagles, dragonflies, chipmunks, red squirrels, and caterpillars.
I have driven along the north and west shores of Lake Superior, and watched the sun and moon rise and set, and seen the moon glitter over the Sleeping Giant.
I have been camping in Algonquin Park, and lain on a bench with my love watching the trees and the clouds and the sky dance together.
I have seen rainbows, tornado clouds, hurricane winds, fallen trees, torrential rain, flooded roads and tents, and been issued weather warnings by Rangers in Provincial and State parks.
I have driven with kayaks, and a sofa on the car.
I have listened to the sound of wind and waves while sleeping in my car at Lake Superior Park.
I have been loved and missed by my friends, and I have loved and missed my friends.
I have been welcomed as family, by those who love me.
I have made new friends, and experienced the wonder of sitting in a river in the heat of summer.
I have caught up with family, and found that I was lost.
I have calmed down.
I have fallen in love.
I have grieved.
I have come home.
It has been an interesting year.
By Executive Order: Trans People Don't Exist!
1 month ago