So, today I cleared 6" of ice off the back steps. Lots of Ice Melter, my trusty cats' paw, and brute force. Go me!
No, it wasn't an Ice Storm. Just the result of dripping from the meltwater from the eaves. It's an ongoing battle. The gas guy came and chipped the ice off the the gas meter with his Leatherman tool, then he installed an ice shield over it. VERY entertaining to say "Leather Man" to the Gas Guy... tee hee.
The exterminator came, with his trap, and a pocket full of sardines (a can) to try and catch the occupant of the crawlspace. I hope it's just a squirrel.
I have also MacGyvered a drip-track for the run-off from a 12' piece of siding so that it directs the meltwater off onto the patio. It's still going to be a huge pain, but maybe it will be manageable.
I made carrot cake yesterday, with a cream cheese & butter frosting, it's spectacular! I've been eating it delightedly. I debated making it, but it was definitely the right decision.
Finally got the pipes unfrozen, they seem to be OK so far. Unless we get another -37 day, I think I'm good. So, off to knock the ice off my drip-track, and get to bed.
By Executive Order: Trans People Don't Exist!
1 month ago