We talk a lot, but it's not enough, and I miss you. The companionable silences, getting to hang out, and be around, getting to just do stuff together. I'd like to live near you again someday, so that it's not so hard. Skype isn't something I can just call you up and knit at you on, yanno?
I'd like to be able to go for coffee, or come round and see the kids, or take them somewhere. I miss that easy familiarity of being nearby. I've missed a big pile of your life, because of being broken, and from being crazy, not that that's going to change much, but healing is something that changes, right?
It was so nice to see you this summer. I have missed you. I'm glad to be around you again, and I'm looking forward to more time like that.
Love you,
By Executive Order: Trans People Don't Exist!
1 month ago