PRIDE in Utah » Another Life Lost To Hatred And Bigotry Another life has been lost to the hatred, bigotry and prejudice of the Mormon Church.
What collossal idiocy! Hating someone over sexual orientation, and declaiming it as a reason to excommunicate from your community, your family, your life.
And yet, this happened to me. I don't talk about it because it's in the context of a lot of other things that I also do not talk about, and it's difficult to maintain the pretext that everything is going to be fine, when, in fact, things just may not.
I'm not complaining in any way about my life, but I'm also, for once, going to link together the threads of intolerance and abuse, bigotry, hatred, class, and race that have plagued my life, and talk for just a moment about something bigger than all of that.
We have to love our kids. Really. Love Them.
As a community. Not in the sense of loving the ones in our family, or the good ones, or the well behaved ones, or the ones from "good families", but all of them, because they are ours.
And not only because these are the people who are going to be taking care of us. Realistically, alzheimers runs in my family, and I have no problem with taking a gun to myself when the time comes, so I'm not worried about that.
These are the people who we are leaving our future to, our children to, our neices and nephews.
I want the kids I love to grow up without any doubt that no matter what they are like, they will be loved. I want them to have enough different people in their lives that they have someone to go to for every situation that can arise. If they can't talk to their parents, I want them to have someone to talk to, if they can't cope at home, I want them to know that there are open arms in at leaast 5 other homes, and safe transport back and forth, and people who will be caring and set rules, and teach them other sets of life skills so they come out of the experience knowing that the world is full of safe havens.